Viu升級會員服務 x Zalora (「本計劃」) 條款及條件 (「本條款及條件」):

  1. 本計劃推廣期由20191014日香港時間上午11時起1215日香港時間上午10 (推廣期)數量有限,售完即止。

  2. 本計只適用Viu費會員,每個Viu號只可購本計劃一次。PCCW OTT (Hong Kong) Limited(本公司)保留權利決定每個Viu號就本計劃的享有權。

  3. 推廣期內,Viu免費會員透過本公司的應用程式或網頁版港幣$120購買8個月Viu升級會員服務,便可獲贈4個月Viu升級會員服務港幣$120Zalora現金券乙份 (現金劵)Viu免費會員必須通過經本公司授權的直接以信用卡/借記卡支付的收費平台 (第三方收費平台) 為本計劃的訂購

  4. 第三方收費平台即時在您所提供之信用卡/借記卡一次性收取全數港幣$120費用Viu升級會員服務則以連12個月的形在完成付後即時生效。過賬時使用的信用卡/借記卡戶必須運作正常,否則訂購無效。

  5. 當您完成付款後,將收到由本公司發出的確認電郵。您可從電郵中查閱現金券的換碼(兌換碼)換碼只能於有效期內使用一次,不可轉讓、重覆使用或作轉售用途,且受Zalora訂立的額外現金券條款及條件約束(詳情請參閱【連結】)。

  6. 本計劃之訂購一經接納後,均不可取消或退款。

  7. 本計劃受 Viu條款及條件(約束 。您啟動及使用本計劃,即表示您同意並接受Viu條款及條件及本條款及條件的約束。

  8. 本公司保留修改本條款及條件及更改或暫停本計劃的任何部分的一切權利,並不另作事先通知。就一切發生之爭議,本公司的決定為最終決定並具有約束力。

  9. 本公司與本計劃相關的責任無論如何不超過你就本計付出的金額。本公司將不會為現金劵及兌換碼的遺失、損壞或盜竊而作替換或負責。

  10. 在法律容許的最大範圍內,本公司將不對您承擔任何因您參與本計劃而引起或有關的任何直接、間接、特殊、附帶、示範、懲罰或衍生之損害(包括效用、數據、業務或利潤的損失),無論是否基於合約、保證、侵權行為(包括疏忽)、絕對法律責任或其他,及無論您是否曾經被告知可能會產生有關損失或損害。

  11. 您確認並同意本公司或任何其關聯公司均不會對任何其他人士負責,及承擔因您參與本計劃而引起之爭議或索賠。

  12. 您同意本計劃及本條款及條件受香港法律約束並按其詮釋及執行,並且不受法律衝突原則管制。任何及全部有關或因本計劃及本條款及條件而產生的訴訟、索賠或法律程式必須提交至香港具有司法管轄權的法院。

  13. 若本條款及條件的英文版本和中文版本之間存在任何不一致之處,則以英文版本為準。

Viu Premium service x Zalora Subscription Plan (the “Plan”) Terms and Conditions (these “Terms and Conditions”):

  1. The Plan period runs from Hong Kong time 11:00a.m. on 14 October 2019 to 10:00a.m. on 15 December 2019 (“Promotion Period”), while stock lasts.

  2. The Plan is only available to Viu Free member. Each Viu ID can subscribe for the Plan once only. PCCW OTT (Hong Kong) Limited (Our Company) reserves the right to determine the eligibility of each Viu ID to enjoy the Plan.

  3. During the promotion period, Viu Free member who subscribe the Plan by purchasing 8-months of Viu Premium service at HK$120 directly via the Viu app or will get 4-months of Viu Premium service and one HK$120 Zalora voucher (“Voucher”) for free. The Viu Free member must pay for the Plan through Our Company’s authorized direct credit card/debit card payment gateway (“Third Party Payment Gateway”).

  4. The Third Party Payment Gateway will charge the full amount of HK$120 from the credit card/debit card account provided at the time of subscription. Viu Premium service takes effect immediately after the payment is completed and is valid for 12 consecutive months. The credit card/debit card account used for payment must be functioning properly, otherwise the subscription will be invalid.

  5. A confirmation email will be sent to you after the payment is completed. You can check the redemption code (“Redemption Code”) for the Voucher in the email. The Redemption Code can only be used once during the validity period, cannot be, transferred, reused or resold and is subject to additional terms and conditions imposed by Zalora relating to the use of the Voucher (for details, see [hyperlink]).

  6. Once your payment for the Plan is completed, it cannot be cancelled or refunded.

  7. By activating and using the Plan, you shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Viu Terms and Conditions ( and these Terms and Conditions.

  8. Our Company reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions as well as to vary or terminate any part of the Plan without prior notice. In the event of disputes, Our Company’s decision shall be final and binding.

  9. Our Company’s liability in connection with the Plan shall in any event not exceed the monetary amount that you pay under the Plan. Our Company will not be liable for the replacement of any lost, damaged or stolen Voucher and the Redemption Code.

  10. To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will Our Company be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, punitive or consequential damager (including loss of use, data, business or profits) arising out of or in connection with your participation in the Plan, whether such liability arises from any claim based upon contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, and whether or not you have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.

  11. You acknowledge and agree that we or any of our affiliates shall not be responsible, and shall have no liability to it or anyone else for any dispute or claim that arises out of your participation in the Plan.

  12. You agree that the Plan and these Terms and Conditions are governed, interpreted and enforced by the laws of Hong Kong, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any and all legal actions, claims or proceedings arising out of, or in connection with the Plan and these Terms and Conditions must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Hong Kong.

  13. In the event of any inconsistencies between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.